Blog Science And Technology 10 Cool YouTube Channels About Science For Kids
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10 Cool YouTube Channels About Science For Kids

If you are looking for the The best YouTube channels about science for kidsYou are in the right place.

The ten science channels below are inspiring, educational, and most of all, fun! The videos below are mostly suitable for kids of all ages. However, Backyard Scientist and Veratasium are probably the most suitable for tweens and teens.

Ten of the best YouTube channels about science for kids

Children playing hopscotch

One of our favorite YouTube channels for science songs is Children playing hopscotchThe dwarf planets song is the one that kids listen to the most these days. My 14-year-old daughter even played it in her physics class! It's a really fun way to learn about the solar system. Now we all know the names of the dwarf planets!

I love the way scientific concepts are explained with catchy tunes and fun visuals.

Operation Ouch

Operation Ouch is another one of my favorites. Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand explore the human body, diseases, injuries, and so much more, all in a fun and highly entertaining way!

Nat Geo Kids

This amazing channel is full of videos about rare, quirky and wild animals. There are also videos about space, the science behind roller coasters and even ice cream. We especially like the series What Sam Sees.


NASA's channel offers a live stream from the International Space Station. Reviews of past and present missions, as well as interviews with the crew. You can also watch videos of launches and landings.

Mysterious science

Mystery Science is a great channel that explains the mysteries of life. Find out why people are left-handed, how skateboards were invented, and much more!

Earth Minute

Minute Earth is a fantastic science channel filled with videos about the Earth. Topics include animals, geology, ecology, evolution, climate change, and much more. I could watch this channel for hours! The topics are often fun and explained in a way that makes it easy to understand.

SciShow Kids

SciShow Kids is one of my favorite science YouTube channels for kids. Most of the videos are partly animated, which makes them fun to watch and very engaging. Besides videos where questions are answered, there are also some cool experiments for kids.

Scientific show

SciShow is aimed at older kids and adults, but I had to mention it! The channel is full of videos explaining topics affecting the world right now, videos answering questions you've always wanted to know the answers to, and ones you've probably never thought to ask. Ever wonder why craters are always round, for example?


Veritasium has hundreds of fascinating science videos covering topics as diverse as how to obtain venom from the world's deadliest spider to the discovery of the world's roundest object!

The backyard scientist

The Backyard Scientist is a fantastic channel that features experiments that you definitely can't do at home. It's an amazing channel that we can't stop watching!

We've selected our top science channels for kids on YouTube. What's your favorite science channel?

Last updated on July 29, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

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