Blog Computer Hardware After 19 years at AMD, he joins Intel
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After 19 years at AMD, he joins Intel

While it's not all fun and games at Intel these days, it seems the company still has the power to seduce and persuade certain key tech executives. In the past few hours, Nicholas Thibrieroz has announced that he is leaving AMD to join Intel. A classic in the tech world, but an interesting profile for Intel. Until then, he and his team were in charge of helping developers optimize their games for AMD hardware and software. He was also directly involved in the creation and implementation of the open source solutions GPUOpen and AMD FidelityFX.

Nicolas Thiebieroz's involvement in the gaming ecosystem and his close relationship with studios are particularly noteworthy, as he appears in the credits of several games with special thanks. These include: Star fieldHe also appears in the credits of Far Cry 6 (as the game's engineering director) and in Deathloop as the person in charge of AMD support. A skill that Intel really needs now that the arrival of its second generation GPUs is approaching.

Official announcement from Nicolas Thiebieroz

After 19 rewarding years at AMD, it’s time to embark on a new adventure. My time there has been an extraordinary experience, working alongside incredible colleagues and friends as we collectively strive to position AMD as a leader in PC gaming.

Throughout this time, my team and I have been dedicated to helping developers optimize their games through our hardware and software innovations. Our guiding principles of stability, performance, and functionality were supported by the collaborative efforts of multiple teams, from hardware design to marketing, allowing us to forge lasting relationships and achieve meaningful breakthroughs.

While summarizing nearly two decades of work in a few paragraphs is a challenge, I am particularly proud of the GPUOpen and FidelityFX initiatives, which flourished thanks to the dedication of a very talented team during the latter part of my tenure. I will always fondly remember the bonds I have made and the experiences we have shared.

Today, I’m excited to announce that I’m continuing my commitment to supporting game developers by joining Intel to lead its gaming engineering organization.

(tags to translate)AMD

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