Today, as Planetary Servers Oriented towards Objective 6.3 of the Evolutionary plandedicated to “Communion with the world of ideas”, we celebrate the Sun's entry into Libra, marking the September equinox and the interlude in which light and darkness are equal throughout the Earth, solemnly affirming the tenth day of the 12 Affirmations of the One Humanity*:
Humanity balances spirit and matter
A passage from Agni Yoga takes us directly to the heart of this statement and to the essence of the work of the Masters:
When humanity comes to understand the Cosmic Unity, the cosmic construction will be affirmed. The main task of humanity is to unite the world of matter with the world of spirit. (…) The effort of an Agni Yogi and the work of the centers help to determine the cosmic consciousness. Therefore, the most important affirmation of energy is the expansion of consciousness. The creativity of Our Brothers is directed towards the development of cosmic consciousness in humanity. (…) (Plenty I § 360)
Libra's keyword is balance.
An etymological note can help us understand the idea of balance: the word derives from the Latin imbalance, “balance”, a compound term of equus, “fair”, “impartial” and Pound, the scale.
The adjective equus derives, according to the most well-founded conjecture, from the same root as Well, The One, in Sanskrit. HP Blavatsky in her work Theosophical Glossary Under the EKA entry write: “(Esc.) – “One”; also synonymous with Mahat, the Universal Mind, as the principle of Intelligence.”
The noun Pound derived from (T)LI-bracomposed of the Indo-European root *TUR- and the ending -support, It is used in Latin to form the names of instruments: the etymon denotes and expresses the idea of “moving (ṛ) with force (you) from one point to another (to)”. (1)
Basically, the essence of the term balance, which also contains the same word that names the Sign, Libra, expresses the idea of the One as the focal point of the dynamic balance of opposites.
This point where Unity reigns is therefore the pivot of the Energies of the Sign, and indicates that the command “Choose”, a motto consonant with the necessary experiences of the formal aspect, in the evolutionary spiral of consciousness must rise to the affirmation of the free will of the spiritual aspect: “I choose the path that leads between the two great lines of force”, an intention that the Disciple is able to express when he learns to include in the idea of Unity all the processes of becoming.
Pound transmits, in the current precessional cycle, the 3Third Energy of the Ray, which is Light and active Intelligence. In certain passages of the Teaching certain names and qualities of this Ray are mentioned, indicating its nature and quality, and among them we find precisely:
“(…) The Lord of Balance
(…) Let the two paths converge.
Balance the pairs of opposites and let the path appear between them.
God, the Way and man are one.
Quality………balance. (…)” (2)
“Adaptability. This is, as we know, the primordial attribute attributed to the third Ray (…). Therefore, it can fundamentally be considered as the attribute of intelligence which adapts the matter aspect to the Spirit aspect, and is a characteristic inherent to matter itself. (…)” (3)
We are also shown the peculiar characteristic of the three Air Signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, which are above all the Signs of the Mind of God as expressed in man: first the lower mind prevails and Being and Non-Being are recognized (Gemini/Duality); then the higher mind grows in power, asserting its control, balancing the pairs of opposites by the light poured into the lower mind (Libra/Balance); finally the Soul, the “Son of Mind,” becomes the ultimate synthesis, concentrating the universal mind and bringing it into relation with the two lower aspects of the Mind of God (Aquarius/Initiation).
In the same way, we are shown the relationship between the three Luminaries that rule the Sign: Saturn, agent of the 3Third Ray, Venus (5He) and Uranus (7He) are the three planets that in a peculiar way work to manifest the Christ consciousness through the mind, since their Energies lead the individual from instinct to intellect (Saturn), from intellect to intuition (Venus) and from intuition to inspiration (Uranus). (4)
We can add, in a few words, that Saturn is evolutionary light, designing every space and illuminating every conscience, and that Venus teaches the Golden Ratio as the Law of balance between the opposites of Manifestation to achieve Unity.
As for Uranus, it is the main Luminary of reference for Humanity-Disciple, as esoteric Regent of Libra.
“The seventh ray is, in the last analysis, the focused and differentiated energy of Ray One, as expressed by the will of the first aspect of divinity on Earth through the power to relate and bring into objective manifestation—by an act of will—both spirit and matter” (5), it is He who Perceive the end from the beginning (6), connects the Highest with the Abyssal, orders and makes things new.
In short, the Energy of the esoteric Regent offers the Disciple-Humanity the inspiration and strength to strive to become the Path itself, that path which, golden and infinite, central between the great lines of force of dualism, recreates the original magic of the Balance between the two Origins.
The Builders, who in Aries had laid the first stone of the Temple, in the mirror phase of Libra “(…) have to make a symbol of the kingdom of the Mother: the floor of the Temple. The floor supports and delimits below, but it must also reflect Heaven. (…)” (7)
We, Disciples and Builders, in our daily life walk upon this pavement which unites all men, learning to discern more and more with the light of our mind and in a felt way, the regular and divine grid of light, powerful but physically invisible, which was first traced, to give substance to the formal appearance of the stone slabs of the pavement. These latter, arranged according to the lines of light, represent the pairs of opposites which we have to face along the way, which, when we consciously direct our steps, are gradually recognized as opportunities for understanding unity.
As we recognize the Light of the divine plan and project, realizing that it is our task to work together as a group to realize it, we learn to abandon the partisanship that arises from the tumult of uncontrolled emotions and the mental barriers that originate in separative attitudes, to free ourselves from illusory vacillations, to assimilate experiences: we then strive to establish right relationships, to wisely reorganize partial points of view into unity of vision, to aim at the common Good.
We become more and more deeply aware that, as we become agents of balance, we are sustained by the practice of meditation and dedication to Service, as another passage of Agni Yoga He states it so effectively and succinctly:
The path of balance is reached through meditation. (…) External knowledge must provide the impetus for the fiery process of meditation. Fire is the great balancer. With absolute awareness we must approach the Path of Balance, where there will be no more hesitation or doubt, where there will be only Great Service. (Burning world II § 411).
We, Disciples of the One Humanity, must therefore bear witness in our lives to the light of the thought of love and the power of the One, from which springs the idea of brotherhood among all creatures.
As we awaken to our hierarchical dignity, we recognize the luminous creative power of Mind and Thought, foreshadowing that by attempting to identify himself with the soul, man is able to consciously fulfill his role as mediator between the higher and lower Kingdoms. Sentence of the Centertransmitting the spiritual forces of the universe.
(…) Consciousness is like the understanding of the spirit; it grows to engulf the whole being like an all-encompassing flame. (…) We call upon you to embrace the Universe. But only the instrument of consciousness will make possible new experiments that fuse spirit and matter. (…) (Leaves of The Garden of Moria II § 105)
We conclude with a very brief etymological note and a final extract from Agni Yogain tune with the notes with which we opened these reflections:
“Disciple” comes from the Latin disciple, a word that comes from the Indo-European root *DIŚ- (8): “that connects (s) to the continuous movement (Yo) of the light (s)”: We keep this sound diamond in our hearts, which urges us to remember that we are disciples of the One Humanity when, feeling the responsibility to remain firm in the light, we thus become bearers of planetary light and agents of balance by contributing to the development of the Plan.
(…) We, your Brothers, know that page of life on which the unity of the Cosmos is inscribed. We affirm that manifested evolution is not created in dissociation but in an unlimited effort for harmony. (…) Why manifest the conflict between spirit and matter when they emanate from a single Source? Why not intensify the power and feel the psycho-life of the Cosmos within oneself?
We call upon the Primary Source of conception. For centuries We have applied Our effort to give humanity the joy of Beingness. (…) The path is adorned by the effort towards the Infinite. (Plenty Yo § 71)
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