September 15, 2024
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Humanity is nourished and manifests the Christ – TPS – English

The day of entry into the sign of Virgo, which introduces Space the will to nurture, protect and ultimately reveal the spiritual reality hidden within its primordial bosom, we solemnly affirm, as A planetary serverthat is, on behalf of the New group of world serversthe ninth of the 12 Affirmations of the One Humanity (see Introductory article and Online Ritual Celebration):*

Humanity nourishes and manifests the Christ

Virgo is the image of Substance, or the substratum of Reality, the Mother of the World, that stable foundation that underlies the processes of change and, consequently, is the building block of all form.
“Virgo – As the Tibetan Master reminds us: She is therefore the cosmic mother because she cosmically represents the negative pole of the positive spirit; she is the receptive agent with regard to the Father aspect.(Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrologyp. 255)

Virgo thus expresses the function of a container uterus, capable of storing within itself the Christ essence that, in order to manifest itself, needs a form or vehicle.

These aspects are clearly visible in the action of its planetary rulers: exoteric, Mercury (4He Ray), esoteric, the Moon (which watches over Vulcan) (4He Ray, veil of the 1street Ray) and hierarchical, Jupiter (2North Dakota Ray).
Mercury, the exoteric ruler of Virgo, grants that precise capacity to intervene intelligently and functionally in the meshes of manifestation, while the Moon, the esoteric ruler of the Sign, forges with the subterranean fire of Vulcan, the Luminary veiled by it, those forms that will best contain the seed of the Christic energy, pulsating in its womb.
And it will finally be Jupiter, who triumphs in Virgo as hierarchical Regent, who will show the fire of the One in its intimate essence as the Fire of Love, capable of destroying every material obstacle and revealing the Beauty that every form underlies.
In this regard, the Tibetan Master states:

The rulers of this sign are three in number:

Mercury.—This is the orthodox ruler. It signifies the versatile energy of the Son of Mind, the soul. It is interchangeable with the Sun (Son), and represents the Mediator or intermediary between the Father and the Mother, between Spirit and Matter, and yet is the result of the union of these two.

The Moon (Vulcan).—This is the esoteric ruler. Its significance is similar to that of the orthodox ruler. The Moon (or fourth ray energy) is here regarded as an expression of the first ray energy, which manifests through Vulcan. The Moon rules form, and it is God's will to manifest through form.

Jupiter.—It is the hierarchical ruler and governs the second Creative Hierarchy, that of the Divine Builders of our planetary manifestation.(Ibid., p. 263)

It is through the action of the Moon as esoteric Regent of the Sign that this action of nourishing and guarding the Christ germ can take place. The Moon shows the constructive power that acts within the SpaceIt shows the patient tissue that gives rise to forms, it shows the common and unique base, the imperishable Substance, of which everything is nothing more than the manifest appearance.
The Moon in Virgo represents the impulse to build the form as perfect as possible, gradually releasing its potential and purifying it of dross. The veil of Vulcan gives will and power to this effort at perfection and brings about in the substance that refinement which finally delivers it pure to the Spirit (Jupiter: hierarchical ruler).
Vulcan, therefore, expresses through the Moon:The divine will to use form to manifest itself.“and this will finds in substance, in Space or in Infinity, the place and the appropriate conditions to settle, germinate and bear fruit.
The function of cosmic Love, well expressed by Jupiter, reveals the specific quality of Female originthe Mother of the World symbolized by Virgo, who contains within herself the mission to beautify, to bestow, to offer spontaneously, to heal and to sacrifice.

It is also interesting to note that, as the Tibetan Master suggests, “Virgo relates to Taurus through Vulcan, which brings what could be called the endurance An aspect of the will to be which carries the incarnated Son of God through the dark time experiences of the personality becoming the Mother in the gestation stage, through the period of infancy on the physical plane, and through the adolescent stage until the initiate reaches full maturity. This requires persistence, endurance, and continuity of effort and is one of the characteristics imparted or encouraged by the energies emanating from Vulcan.” (Ibid., p. 274)

This aspect reveals one of the most significant functions of the Mother, who hides in her heart all the suffering of the world, tirelessly supports those who fall and loves without asking for anything and without making any distinctions. Under her mantle everyone finds comfort and learns the perfection of Love.
Love and lightning Do I manifest myself?“, we read in Agni Yoga (The Call § 152).
And this apparent contradiction is resolved in the heart of Virgo, where the silent force of self-sacrifice is intertwined with the vigor of the unbreakable tension towards the Spirit, a tension capable of destroying, with the rays of Love, any obstacle.

The perfection of Love has been well represented by the earthly path of Christwhich is the image and model of the initiatory path that each individual is called to follow, as indicated by the Teachings: “That great Individuality, the Christ, through the process of the five great Initiations, gave us a picture of the stages and the method by which identification with God can be achieved..(Alice A. Bailey, From Bethlehem to Calvaryp. 17)
“Initiation is the moment when man feels and knows, through every part of his being, that life is reality and reality is life. For a brief instant his consciousness embraces everything; he not only sees the vision and hears the word of recognition, but he knows that the vision is his own and that the word is himself made flesh.(Ibid., p. 105)

Agni Yoga proclaims another aspect of the Mother: “The Mother is beauty and the world is self-sacrifice. It is on these two foundations that the Gates are opened. The bridge between the planets and the abbreviation of the racial cycles rest on these two foundations.” (Illumination § 221)
A verse that recalls what was written in The Construction of the Temple where the Mother is “The beauty that makes all things divine“.
The silent but powerful touch of the Mother thus transforms the heaviness of matter into the lightness of Space, pulsating with Life, and the winter of consciousness into a 'living spring'.

It is on this path that Humanity must proceed to fulfill its planetary and systemic function. A function that in this month of Virgo is expressed with the motto Humanity nourishes and manifests the Christ. An invitation to manifest the Christ principle that is hidden within each one so that Fraternity It can become a reality and not just a laudable human aspiration.

“That is why I urge you to think about the future,
place a pearl on the necklace of the Mother of the World every day.
And so, think concisely and directly about
How to beautify the heart of the world.

(Enlightenment § 301)


* For the next year, oriented to/by Objective 6.3 of the Evolutionary plandedicated to the Communion with the world of ideasWe plan to solemnly celebrate the 12 entries to the 12 signs of the zodiac with 12 Affirmations of One Humanity, as well as the Full Moon and New Moon Festivals of each Sign, in a similar way to what was done in the year 6.1 and the year 6.2.

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