Nowadays, as the Sun enters Your own sign, Lionthe Disciple-Humanity is confirmed as the The heart in the center of the planetary organism, such as the Sun of your systemat the service of the Evolution of the Solar center Land.
The esoteric tradition actually presents the Body of expression of our solar logos as composed of 3+7 Solar Centers or Planetary schemesthe cycles and plans of existence and evolution, or vehicles of expressionof much Planetary logosthe highest Lives and Consciousnesses in command of these Schemes and their Physical balloons o Planets, with all their creatures, according to a common principle Evolution plan.
This Evolution Plan is now (in the current second Solar System) being carried out by the Logoi through their 12 orders of builders known as Creative hierarchieswho work together in the common ecliptic plane to “manifest” it, not so much in our appearance planbut in the so-called astral and cosmic physical planes, the planes of systemic Desire and Manifestation.
Well, the Fourth creative Hierarchy, among the Seven manifested On the cosmic physical plane, it is exactly ours, the Fourth Human Hierarchyhe central one between the First associated precisely with the Sign of Leo, and a last or Seventh associated with the opposite Sign, Aquarius:
Between the Divine Flames of the supreme Energy of the solar Spirit (1. Leo-Sun) and the Elemental lives of Substance/Matter (7. Aquarius-Moon) is the Hierarchy of Initiates (4. Scorpio-Mercury), of those Human Monads who in the evolutionary journey are the embodiment of the aware union between Spirit and Matter.
They, us in essence, are the Word made fleshWe are the solar Logos that become aware of yourself in the Form, and this not only in the Fourth Earth Planbut in the entire Solar System… Such an indication opens the vision of our Identity and real Essence in cosmic, infinite horizons: the Fourth human Hierarchy “expresses the maximum sacrifice of the solar Logos” because it anchors His Will to exist in the Lower Subplane of your Manifestation (he 4He cosmic ether or systemic buddic planewhich therefore constitutes its most 'concrete' physical body and that at the human level is the plane of Intuition or pure Ideas: the 3 lower subplanes, our mental, astral and etheric/physical planes are not existing realities for the solar Logos).
The 4He systemic buddhist plane consists of and is animated by the seven centers Of the seven Heavenly Men, precisely the Human Monadshe Conscious Living Units of the planetary Logos.
How wonderful! That's what we really are!
So Leo's esoteric motto “I am That and That is me“In this perspective it shines with a solar, cosmic power.
As conscious units of the planetary Center of Humanity we recognize our true Identity, as Fourth Solar Creative Hierarchy:
It is “the group in which the highest aspect of man finds its place, his “Father in Heaven” (the Human Monad)… They are the Lords of sacrifice and Lords of lovethe flower of Atma-Buddhi.” (Will-Love) (AA Bailey, A treatise on cosmic firep. 1200)
“The fourth creative Hierarchy is the great expression of the Conscious will and sacrifice of the solar Logosand the great symbol of the Smart Union of spirit and matter.” (AA Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solarpp. 94-5)
The Fourth Hierarchy “is the representative group in this system” (TCF, 1203) or dominant Hierarchy of the current Second Solar System: it is the incarnation of the Buddhi Beginning, or Christ Principlehe Second Aspect (among the 3: Atma-Buddhi-Manas: Will, Love, Intelligence), that Love-Wisdom whose power or first aspect is the “impulse to give” or Sacrifice; We are the dominant ones or central Hierarchy of these seven Hierarchies which “are (as HPB says) the sevenfold ray of wisdom, the dragon in its seven forms.” (TCF, 146)
The Fourth Hierarchy “is the essence of the intangible Life of the Spirit and the principle of Buddhi, it is the esoteric cause of the cosmic marriage of spirit and matter, based on the love and desire of the Logos, but each hierarchy is also expressed through a particular manifestation (the 4th).He Human kingdom) which comes to be regarded by the finite mind of man as the hierarchy itself. This is not so, and care must be taken to distinguish between these hierarchies. The latent germs of the centers of force manifest themselves subjectively.; They warm and vitalize groups of shapes.; they flourish and express themselves through the medium in one form or another hierarchy“These hierarchies are all interrelated and are negative or positive for each other, as the case may be.” (TCF, 1200-1)
“Each of the kingdoms of nature is the expression of a Life or Being; man, for example, is the expression of one or another of the Celestial Men; The sum total of humanity (the fourth Hierarchy) meets devic evolution.*as the centers of the solar Logos.” (TCF, 460)
“…in the fourth or human kingdom, where the fourth Hierarchy is seeking experience, an effort is being made to bring about the fusion or centralization of the forces of three groups,
to. Of the energy that represents the animal kingdom,
b. Of purely human energy,
C. Of the spiritual energy of the group which is the exponent of the buddhic force, thus introducing, in the third great realization, the force of the atma itself, of which buddhi is nothing more than the vehicle.
These three streams of force should occupy the following place:
Buddhist force……..Positive.
Human energy…….Balanced.
Animal energy……..Negative.
“Or, to put it another way, the positive controlling factor in the human group should be the spiritual energy, to which the animal nature should be entirely receptive, both maintaining the relative position of Father and Mother. The purely human energy serves as a balancing factor and brings about an adjustment between the spiritual and the material aspects. It is this threefold group relationship which makes the microcosm so genuine a reflection of the greater Man and the Fourth Kingdom a true exponent of cosmic processes” (TCF, 1213-4).
“These lives are the points of fire that must become flame…” (TFC, 1200)
Once we understand That, Who and what we really arehe Fire of our vision, strength and joy will know no bounds:
You may meet people who are hasty in their achievements, and who think that we are slow. But guide them under the night sky and point out to them the radiance of the countless worlds. Say: The Lord is leading you to this creativity. Is it possible to be slow on this great path? We must prepare ourselves to be co-creators. It is necessary to preserve and multiply the seeds of creation. awareness, because the whole world is sustained by the power of consciousness. There is no power that can resist a consciousness purified of egoism. One can prepare to cross all bridges with a burning consciousness that is a tremor with the pulse of the Cosmos, and that, in the seed of its spirit, responds to all the tremors of the Earth and knows the truth of the peoples. One can apply all the sacred powers of the heart to become co-creators of the flaming Logos by conquering death. But as long as such boldness is not infused in the heart, consciousness cannot grow infinitely in this direction. We call it Via Regale. Therefore, Fiat Rex It is where the spirit, revering Hierarchyhe dares! (Agni Yoga Series, Hierarchy§ 203)
As a single planetary Server, therefore, we solemnly affirm the eighth of the 12 Affirmations of Humanity One:
Humanity rules from the center
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