Today, on the day of the new moon of Leo, we are aligned with the sovereign Star Sirius, prototype and “Soul” of our solar Logos, collecting some very profound indications about our Cosmic IsisSource of our Planetary hierarchyin view of the most important full moon of the year, in general and of this year in particular, the eve of the hierarchical 2025 (Leo-Sirius Solar Festival: August 19 18:27 UTC – for those who wish to join the Common silence see Call to the Only Planetary Server).
Sirius as the Sun's primary planet and our cosmic hierarch
“The system of the Sirius Logos is on the cosmic mental plane.” “The sun Sirius is the source of the logoic manas (…and) was the agent that produced the first flash of consciousness.”
“(…) Our Logos does not lose His identity, even though He forms part of the Consciousness of the Logos of Sirius. In turn, the Logos of Sirius forms one of the seven Great Celestial Men, who are the centers in the body of ONE OF WHOM NOTHING CAN BE SAID.”
“(…) The Sirius Logos is to our solar Logos what the human Ego is to the personality. (…) The consciousness of the cosmic mental plane is the logoic goal of attainment (for the solar Logos).”
“The Rod of Initiation, wielded by the Logos of the solar system, is called (…) the ‘Sevenfold Flaming Fire.’ It was entrusted to our Logos by the Lord of Sirius and sent to our system from that radiant sun. (…) This Rod of Power is used in the initiation of the seven Celestial Men on the cosmic levels.” (A treatise on cosmic firepp. 571-2, 347, 592, 212).
“A stream of energy coming from the sun, Sirius (…) enters directly into the Hierarchy and carries with it the principle of buddhi, of cosmic loveThis, in a mysterious way, is the principle that lies at the heart of every atom. (…)
The energy of Sirius bypasses (…) Shamballa and concentrates itself in the Hierarchy. (…) All the work of the Great White Lodge is controlled from Sirius; the Ashrams are subject to its cyclical flow; the higher initiations are taken under its stimulation, because the principle of buddhi, of pure love (i.e., love-wisdom) must be active in the heart of every initiate before the initiation of the great decision (…) This Sirian influence was not recognized, and little of it was definitely concentrated in the Hierarchy, until Christ came and revealed the love of God to humanity. He is the expression, par excellence, of a Sirian initiation, and it is to that high place that he will eventually go…”. (Rays and initiationsp. 415)
SIRIUS, Magnet of intelligent Love,
Strength of our Cosmic heart,
guide the many to the central Unity,
serving the celestial Osiris, Orion:
Sirius is the divine Ray of the Great Cosmic Christ.
Sirius as the shining star of sensitivity
“(Sirius) is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy (an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the spiritual magnetic supervision or control of the Sirius Hierarchy. These are the main controlling influences through which the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, on the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the shining star of sensitivity.
(…) Our solar system is one in which touch sensitivity is the dominant quality; it is in the process of becoming cosmically aware; It is driven by necessity and environmental cosmic circumstances to develop. love-wisdom and both words are descriptive and expressive of the awareness aspect. Love It is the response to contact and this—in humans—means understanding, inclusion and identification.
Wisdom It denotes skill in action as a result of developed love and the light of understanding; it is awareness of requirements and the ability to bring together in a fused relationship the need and that which will satisfy it.
Service is essentially a scientific way of expressing love-wisdom. (…) The evolutionary process, from the point of view of the common human being, is to make the non-sacred planet, our Earth, responsive to cosmic impacts, thus bringing about greater interrelationship and inner integration in the logoic body of expression (to eventually become a sacred Luminary as well).”Esoteric Astrologypp. 197, 493-4)
The heliacal rise (1) From Sirius
There is a sign on the horizon,
from the sacred depths of the Cosmos
to the sacred sphere of appearance,
of the resurrection on Earth
of the sensitivity of the Heart.
Sirius as cosmic governor of Leo
“August, ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog star, or Sirius, which puts Sirius in close relationship with Lion. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system as a whole), is ruled by Sirius.
Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and into which he is led as a humble disciple. Later, when the new world religion has been founded and is functioning, we shall discover that the greatest monthly festival in August, celebrated at the time of the full moon, will be devoted to the task of establishing contact, through the Hierarchy, with the force of Siria. (Ibid., p. 299).
Intelligent Love is the Golden Path to Cosmic Fire
Sirius in close relation with Sanat Kumara
“This great Sun (Sirius), which is to our solar Logos what the Monad is to spiritual man (the Soul), has a peculiar role to play in regard to our Earth. Those with a healthy sense of occult proportions might consider our tiny planet with its planetary Logos (one of the “imperfect Gods” of The Secret Doctrine) would be too small to enter in the least into the consciousness of that Supreme Enlightened Entity which is greater even than our Solar Logos. Such is, however, the case. There is a relationship of very ancient date between our Lord of the World, Sanat Kumaraand the Lord of Sirius, and this exists despite the fact that our planet is not a sacred planet. It could be added that our planet, in the immediate cycle, (…), is rapidly leaving this category, and on the inner planes and considered subjectively it is a sacred planet… (from 2North Dakota Ray)
(From Sirius comes both the law of Karma and the energy of Release). It is the principle of freedom (…) that lies behind the Spirit of Death and forms the motivating power of that great liberating Agency; it is that which provides a “path of power” between our Hierarchy and the distant sun Sirius, and gives the incentive to the “culture of freedom” or liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of Wisdom; it is what produced the ferment and vortex of conflict in very distant times and which has been recognized in the present through the results of the Law of Evolution in every kingdom of nature.
(… He Law of freedom) is the law of which the three cosmic laws—the Laws of Synthesis, Attraction, and Economy—are only aspects. (…)
It is responsible for His (referring to Sanat Kumara, “the Custodian of the will of the Great White Lodge in Sirius”) being known as the “Great Sacrifice”, because (under the control of this law (of Liberation)) He created our planetary life and all that is within and upon it, to learn to handle this law with full understanding, in full consciousness, and yet at the same time bring release to the countless forms of His creation.” (The Rays and the Initiations, pp. 413-7 and 130).
May the Will of the Heart restore
The Blue Planet Liberation Plan
We seal the Union with our cosmic Magnet with the Affirmation of the Fire of the Heart:
1 – The fiery Union shines at the Summit
2 – The Heart of the Sun is one with Sirius
3 – Everything rises up to the Sun
4 – (Silence)
5 – United we are the Golden Work
6 – And in every heart your Sun shines
7 – Help us do your work
The Sun of suns shines to the sound of the eternal Song of the great Work.
(1) The heliacal rise The movement of Sirius in our latitudes occurs around mid-August (45He (Heliacal rising is the first time in the year that a star becomes visible on the horizon of the night sky before the Sun rises. Sirius is hidden by the rays of the daytime Sun from May onwards. Taurus. In it Dark light at night, therefore we celebrate its annual reappearance under the auspices of Lion, as a reappearance in the hearts of the Great Master of Cosmic Love.
Similarly, the heliacal rise of Sirius is the distribution, through the spatial circle of the Earth's horizon (Personality), of the combination Sirius-Sun energy (Monad-Soul).
The influence of Sirius, The “Sun of Suns” is transmitted by the three Crosses of the Zodiac, but is especially connected with Leo:
- preside Lion from a cosmic point of view (independent of our solar system);
- distributes cosmic Love in the solar system through Geminithe 'Head' of the Cosmic Christand the Hierarchy;
- reaches the Hierarchy and the heart of each disciple through Pisces and the Planet Uranus;
- It is the “Star of Sensitivity” that dominates the Fourth Human Hierarchy through Scorpion and the Fixed Cross, and it is the Star of Mercury and Buddha, which prepares humanity for the first three initiations;
- through Capricorn-Cancer axis and the planet Saturn stimulates sensitivity and the Probatory Path in humanity, thus exercising this cosmic attraction especially at the time of the solstices;
- in association with Virgo, The Great Mother, nourishes the growth of Christ Consciousness.
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