Blog Solar System Harmonia City – Part 5 of Andrey Maximov's Martian Sketches
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Harmonia City – Part 5 of Andrey Maximov's Martian Sketches

Environmental conceptual artist. Andrey Maximov of Armenia has created an impressive set of works of art called martian sketches depicting a “routine” trip to Mars in 2089. So far he has published 30 pages of those sketches. As the artist describes them: “This series is like the sketches of the route of a member of an expedition to Mars. It is a routine flight in the not-too-distant future. The planet is more or less inhabited. We have an orbital station around Mars. There is already several settlements on the surface and mining continues”.

  • 1st part (10 sketches) by Andrey martian sketches represented the expedition leaving Earth;
  • 2nd part (5 sketches) represented the arrival of the expedition to “International Mars Orbital Station”;
  • 3rd part (6 sketches) space port represented “anteros” In mars.
  • 4th part (4 sketches) represent the path of the expedition towards the “Harmony City”.

Here is the fifth part (5 sketches) that represents the multilevel “Harmony City” In mars:

martian sketches by Andrey Maximov:

We will publish the rest of the story when it is published by the author.

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