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Imminent tariffs on Chinese-made GPUs delayed another year

DIY upgraders can breathe a sigh of relief today, as the rates that were previously reported which is coming soon for GPUs and motherboards made in China won't arrive for another year. June 15 was supposed to be the day the steep 25% tariffs would return from their hiatus and could have impacted component prices almost immediately. However, it has now been revealed that it was all just a misunderstanding and we have another year to enjoy the current prices of GPUs and motherboards.

A 25% export tariff on some electronics made in China has been embroiled in a bureaucratic battle since they were suspended in mid-2022 due to the pandemic. Since then, they are scheduled to return at some point, but only after some due diligence has been done on their impact on the market and consumers. The last round of public comments has ended. todaypotentially preparing them to return on June 15. However, PCMag is inform that the previous announcement that the tariffs would soon take effect was due to a misinterpretation of the document's language.

The tariff text includes exemptions for both GPUs and motherboards, giving them an extra year until they take effect.
Credit: Gigabyte

According to PCMag, the original document states that some products will be excluded and those products will have until May 31, 2025. This additional time will give potentially affected manufacturers time to move their facilities out of China to avoid the tariffs. The document says: “The United States Trade Representative has found that expanding these exclusions will support efforts to shift sourcing out of China or provide additional time when, despite efforts to obtain products from alternative sources, product availability outside of China remains limited.”

He document involved It is long and dense and refers to subsections and annexes, so it is not easy to digest. Another factor that makes these documents difficult to analyze is that they do not specifically mention GPUs, motherboards, and other types of PC hardware; instead, they refer to devices with printed circuit boards and other generalities.

In the end, unraveling the document involves looking at a product's 10-digit code and then crossing it, making it easy to understand how the wolf cried. Anyway, we can all breathe a sigh of relief today as the tariffs won't affect next-gen GPUs and motherboards for at least another year.

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