September 15, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

Saturn occults giant moon Titan – Astronomy Now

On August 9, Saturn's rings will be tilted by 2.6°, an angle small enough to allow Titan to move behind Saturn at about 4.45am BST.

There are currently several developments involving Saturn's moons. Saturn's moons orbit in the plane of Saturn's equator, so the contour of their orbits coincides with that of the ring system. This means that when the rings are sufficiently closed, we can see that Saturn's moons experience Galilean-type phenomena.

The easiest events to observe are those involving Titan, Saturn's giant moon which is the second largest natural satellite in the Solar System, and Rhea, the second moon at magnitude ten. Some Titan-related events have already taken place this year, although sadly none were visible from the UK. There is one to aim for during August.

On the morning of 9 August (8/9), Titan will move behind Saturn's leading limb at 4.45am BST (03:45 to 06:25 UT). Saturn is well positioned in the south-southwest, although pre-dawn twilight is forming. A small telescope is the best option for observing this occultation.

On August 1 at 07:20 UT, Titan was transiting Saturn near the planet's southern edge. The tiny black shadow of the moon Dione and another moon, Tethys, can also be seen in front of Saturn's eastern edge (next edge). Image credit: Eric Sussenbach.

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