October 15, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Signs from Heaven year 6.3-2024 – 4th quarter – TPS – Spanish

We have reached the last quarter of the 2024 cycle before the start of 2025a crucial year for human and planetary evolution (see The seven steps towards 2025).

It is, therefore, a time of taking stock and relaunching, not only of the current year, but of the entire period indicated in the Teaching as the “stage of the precursor”, which has prepared us from 1950 to 2025. like John the Baptist to Returna crucial date for the externalization of that Hierarchy of Masters Those who guide the evolutionary steps of our Planet from the inner and outer planes:

“…a great new movement is taking place and an enormously increasing interaction is taking place. This will continue until the year A.D. 2025. The years between now and that date will see very great changes taking place, and at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy—held as usual every century—in the year 2025 the date will in all probability be fixed for the first stage of the externalization of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is technically termed “The Precursor Stage.” It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and is intended to be revealing in its techniques and results. You can therefore see that the Chohans, Masters, initiates, world disciples, disciples and aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this time passing through a cycle of great activity.” (A.A. Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchyp. 530)

Everything is weighed on the scales of Truth, Beauty and Goodness and the non-existent doors between Spirit and Matter lead to experiencing greater or lesser degrees of freedom.

According to the Signs of the Heavens of the heliocentric level, that of the systemic Causes of the Earth-SunRelationship (Disciple-Humanity and Soul-Hierarchy at the center), human and planetary consciousness is driven, in this 'final' quarter of the cycle, by the causal and causal Axis. Libra-Aries (transmitting the initiatory power of the Big Dipper), the cardinal Path of Life, open to Shamballathat impulse of abstraction that leads Becoming back to Being.

Libra-Aries Polarity – Adriano N.

In the celestial chart, the conjunction on the equinoctial axis between our Land and Neptune in Pisces dominates, the last before its entry after 164 years back into Aries (on May 23, 2025), the Homeland of new Ideas and Forms.

This union is very powerful, since Neptune is the ruler of Pisces as veil of the Christ the initiator of humanity, and the intense aspects with Pluto in Aquarium and Mercury (ruler of the Fourth Human Hierarchy and esoteric ruler of Aries) in Virgo to accentuate its power of rebirth in a new Era through the reharmonization and refinement of the Forms.

The tensions at play between the other luminaries also underline the exceptional nature of the moment:

– the proximity of Mars to Uranus in Taurus (in a beautiful sextile to Earth and Neptune and in trine to Pluto), square to Mercury, pushes to verify with ever greater precision the Forms to be built to serve the New;

– the opposition between Jupiter magnified in Gemini (2nd Ray both solar and zodiacal) and Venus (he Solar Angel of the Earth, esoteric ruler of Gemini) in Sagittariussquare to Saturn in Piscesexhorts the human consciousness of the Earth to progress in philanthropyin the magnetic and spiritual love that dissolves and transcends all karmic imbalance and rebalances.

Wisdom and compassion are the path to victory.

Equinox September 22, 2024 h. 0.45 pm – heliocentric

Wisdom, Compassion, Victory!


In the Solstice Sky of the geocentric perspective, which teaches where and how to precipitate evolutionary causal energies, this Heliocentric Formula evokes the geocentric response:

Equinox September 22, 2024 h. 0.45 pm – geocentric

Humanity is joy, strength and beauty!

The equinoctial Sun come in Pound In a wonderful kite configuration with Pluto, UranusMoon (in Gemini) and Neptune; also the tensions between them and Venus powerful in Poundall at the cusps of the Signs, underline this synthetic moment of passage: it is a confrontation which requires a karmic rebalancing to bring Man, with difficulty from the point of view of personality, back to the true sensitivity (Saturn retrograde in Pisces trine to Mars in Cancerin square to the lunar nodes between Pound and Aries), beyond the frenzy of the concrete mind, now too dispersed, unstable and sick of unscientific criticism, which prevents us from recognizing our true spiritual Identity (Jupiter square Mercury and sextile to Chiron retrograde in Aries).

But Humanity is Joy, Strength, Beauty!

Let us prepare ourselves for the Great dayin the Here and Now, in which we are and will be free to love, joyful and bright:

Because I want you to come to Me joyful and radiant.
in the time of the Great Darkness.
It's true-
I have trusted you with a lot,
I have given you dates and warnings,
I have granted you the possibility of victory,
And I have revealed to you
The Secrets of Our Decisions.

You can conquer and achieve enlightenment,
But give me your offering.
Give me your fear.
If you have any questions,
Give me your doubt
If you are angry,
Give me your anger.

And if you give me a handful of trivial objects,
I'll take these dusty toys too.
and merge them into My Tower.

It is true that if you want to use your gift again in
your life,
Do not forget how unworthy is he who returns
what once gave.

So I have accepted your fear and your doubt.
and your anger is because of Me.
And for you I give you the path to the Light.
Because I want you to come to Me joyful and radiant.
in the time of the Great Darkness—
Before the New Dawn.

(The call§ 371, Agni Yoga Collection)

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