The novel and the television series It chronicles the exploration and settlement of Mars, the home of the indigenous Martians.Set in the early 21st century, as human colonists abandon the troubled Earth, which is eventually devastated by nuclear war. The series describes Mars as a planet with a “thin atmosphere” in which humans can breathe, with desert-like vegetation and water-filled canals, cities, and other alien structures built by indigenous Martians thousands of years ago.
The Martian Chronicles The television series, broadcast in 1980, is one of the few science fiction works to depict Mars, in the period between the initial enthusiasm for Mars that ended in the 1960s, characterized by fear of hostile Martians, and the revival of Mars-related science fiction in the 2000s without the Martians.
The Martian Chronicles They are divided into three parts/episodes:
- He Expeditions – The exploration of Mars begins with two failed expeditions. Colonel Wilder leads a third crew to discover the secret of Mars, but discovers that all the Martians are dead from chickenpox.
- He Colonists – With the native Martians wiped out by disease, thousands of humans now colonize the red planet and attempt to create a second Earth.
- He Martians – Earth was destroyed in a nuclear war and only a few survivors remain on Mars, including Wilder's family. To rebuild what he lost, Wilder decides to make Mars his new home.
Here's one Collection of screenshots from the series. Keep in mind that the series is from 1980 and the creators were trying to replicate the retro-futuristic style of the illustrations from an even older novel from 1950.
First expeditions to Mars:
Discovery of ancient structures and extraterrestrial cities on Mars:
Human colonial fleet flying to Mars:
Human city on Mars:
..and a church:
Human habitations on Mars:
Interior of Colonel Wilder's house on Mars:
A bar along the road:
Missionaries search for aliens in a Martian canyon:
Extraterrestrial life forms:
The Martians:
More content from Movies and TV series set on Mars HERE
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