September 20, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Science And Technology

What is the scientific method?

He scientific method This is the system that most scientists follow when preparing research. It has evolved over time and many scientists have contributed to this way of proceeding. working scientifically.

What is the scientific method?

The scientific method consists of several steps.

  • Make an observation
  • Ask a question
  • Create a hypothesis
  • Make a prediction
  • Test the prediction with an experiment
  • Analyze the results
  • To make conclusions

Create a hypothesis

An Hhypothesis It is a potential explanation for something that a scientist has observed but does not yet understand.

Test the hypothesis

TO prediction (something you think is going to happen) is done based on the hypothesis and is tested by collecting research data.

Research looks for relationships and patterns between variables.

Analyze the data

If the data from a study support the prediction, then the hypothesis may be true!

The data of an investigation must be:

Repeatable – Research yields the same results every time it is conducted. Typically, results need to be checked at least three times.

Reproducible – if another person does the same research, the results are the same.

The experiments used must be properly designed to be a FAIR TEST!

How to make an investigation a fair test

Only one variable should be changed, and an experiment should measure how the variable that can be changed affects another variable.

Independent variable – this is the variable that is changed

Dependent variable – this is the variable that is measured.

To the extent possible, everything else that could reasonably affect the results should remain the same. For example, variables to consider include temperature, time, laboratory equipment, quantities of materials used, concentrations, and type of materials used. These are the control variables.

TO control experiment It is also necessary to show what happens when the variables are not changed.

To make conclusions

Conclusions are formed from Experimental data and must be supported by data. The conclusion should state whether the data support the hypothesis or not.

In the real world, more than one scientist will test a hypothesis. Scientists check each other's work and often conduct their own experiments to test the hypothesis. If sufficient evidence is shown to support the hypothesis, it is accepted. Accepted Hypotheses They are known as Theories.

If new evidence subsequently appears, the whole process starts again.

What is the scientific method

Last updated on September 27, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

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