September 20, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

I'd love to explore more of the brilliant world of Fallout London, but it keeps crashing every few minutes.

Update: Ignore the part where I imply that you can't access the original settings once the mod is installed. I was just being an (extremely charismatic and handsome) idiot.

In my short time with massive Fallout 4 modification Impact in LondonI read a lovely final entry about a scientist who named his favorite shrew “Big Dave,” beat several of said shrews with a cane, swallowed some expired pink wafers, and was informed of train delays due to “leaves on the track.”

“A British transport joke!” I said to myself, marinating in just enough mild amusement imposed by the crown. “Our vital and expensive public services are too expensive to be opportunistic.” are “Shit!” I was having a good time. The in-game audience then transported me straight to my desktop and continued to do so at regular intervals for the next few hours, from “just as this conversation was getting good” to “just as my save game was about to load.” It nearly made my upper lip quiver, I can tell you that.

I'm not alone in this. There is a patch on the wayand there are already some supposed solutions. One of which involves downloading another modThe other is apparently an Nvidia issue with the “Weapon Residue” setting. Unfortunately, to disable it I have to uninstall FOLON and Fallout 4, then reinstall Fallout 4 to get to the original settings menu. I've done this twice now. I initially tried to get it working on Steam, then had to buy it on GOG because the downgrader wouldn't work. I then did a fresh install the first time I started experiencing crashes so I could adjust the settings. It didn't work.

Long story short, I'm done. To be clear, I'm not saying to “avoid the mod”, just that I've reached my own personal tolerance for messing with files. I'll watch a YouTube video, because I really want to see more of what FOLON has to offer. So, public service message: try setting up the mods and additional settings you need. before You go in, to avoid similar problems. That, or wait for the patch.

It's a real shame, because London looks great so far. Everything from the architecture to the lighting to a new dialogue system that's more reminiscent of New Vegas is an incredible step up from the original Fallout 4. Feast on this station from the starting area:

A train station in Fallout London.
Image credit: Team FOLON/Rock, Paper, Shotgun

It reminded me a lot more of the creepy grandeur of Bioshock than I expected, but it works well. I also find the lack of traditional Fallout iconography incredibly refreshing. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that Vault Boy and Nuka-Cola have long since been stripped of any satirical charm they might once have had; they’ve become Funko Pop mascots, all dead glitter like the eyes of stuffed creatures. But here, even the Pip Boy has been replaced, and these new symbols are enough to intrude on the stifling familiarity, revitalizing the setting. Plus, again: you can regain health by eating pink wafers.

So enjoy Fallout London when you have time. I'm sure you will, but make sure you have everything ready beforehand. Me? I'm going to have nightmares about a giant file that just can't be unzipped.

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