July 26, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Serendipity, a super-Jupiter and the salvation of VIPER

The scientific community is coming together to save VIPER. Following NASA's announcement of its intention to Cancel the VIPER mission to the South Pole of the MoonThe Planetary Society helped circulate A letter signed by 1,000 people From the lunar and planetary science community to more than 200 key congressional staff members, the letter urges

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Solar System

A closer look at a possible “eyeball planet” – Sky & Telescope

The temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b could be a completely ice-covered world (left) similar to Jupiter’s moon Europa, or it could be an icy world with a liquid substellar ocean and cloudy atmosphere (center). LHS 1140 b is 1.7 times the size of our planet Earth (right) and is the most promising habitable zone exoplanet

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Solar System

Webb telescope captures sunrise and sunset on a hot Saturn – Sky & Telescope

This artist's concept shows what the exoplanet WASP-39 b might look like. NASA/ESA/CSA/R. Crawford (STScI) In an unprecedented step, astronomers have used the James Webb Space Telescope to measure differences between an exoplanet's atmosphere in the morning and in the afternoon. The team attributes these differences to the powerful 10,000-kilometre-per-hour (6,000 mph) winds that whip

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Solar System

Humanity is will – TPS – English

Today our Earth, from whose Logos we derive life, movement and being, unites, in the incipit of Aquarius, sign of the Server and Service, with Pluto, powerful planet of the first Ray, connected with Will and Power. Pluto is the destroyer of old forms that are no longer related to the ascending energies and therefore,

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Solar System

Humanity rules from the center – TPS – English

Nowadays, as the Sun enters Your own sign, Lionthe Disciple-Humanity is confirmed as the The heart in the center of the planetary organism, such as the Sun of your systemat the service of the Evolution of the Solar center Land. The esoteric tradition actually presents the Body of expression of our solar logos as composed

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Solar System

A long night on Mars in the thriller “Fort Solis”

Fort Solis (2023) is a A sci-fi thriller game based on a cinematic narrative set on Mars in 2080.During a night surrounded by a severe sandstorm, two mining engineers, Jack and Jessica, respond to an unusual emergency alert from a mining and research station. “Fort Solis”The station is locked down and appears abandoned. The pair

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Solar System

A planetary collision | The Planetary Society

Mars is the planet next door, but that doesn't make it easy to get to. Human exploration of the Red Planet has long been a goal of space agencies around the world, but several technical challenges still stand in the way. From radiation to isolation, one of our latest articles delves deeper into the topic.

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Solar System

The Future World Order – TPS – English

Today we celebrate the Heliocentric Trine (120°) between EARTH and URANUS, a sacred angle and sound for creative synthesis (120°/360° = 1/3he Three, which is related to the Spirit Aspect and the creative interval of the Fifth). The Earth is the systemic vehicle (not sacred, together with the sacred, Saturn) of the 3Third Ray, the

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Solar System

This week around the world: Europe's new rocket launches, SpaceX suffers a rare failure, NASA needs cargo transporters for the Moon, and more…

Here you can make a donation to help refugees and victims of the war in Ukraine…  …and here is a place where you can donate to help the children of Afghanistan, trapped under the Taliban.     Podcast selection: PROPAGANDA From the video store: Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket launches on long-awaited debut mission (video) |

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Solar System

Rockets are cool! | The Planetary Society

Europe's new rocket has been successfully launched for the first time. On July 9, the European Space Agency… New Ariane 6 rocket (pictured) launched its first payload into low Earth orbit. Ariane 6 builds on the long-standing success of the Ariane 5 rocket and adds new capabilities, including the ability to deorbit its upper stage

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