September 20, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

How is TESS able to detect more planets in the sky than Kepler?

Back to list of articles From the August 2024 issue The new TESS mission covers almost the entire sky, compared to the small portion of sky observed by Kepler. During its lifetime, Kepler observed only a few small (blue) fields of about 116 square degrees each on the sky: one in Cygnus and several along

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Why are constellations not always drawn the same way?

Quadrans Muralis, the Mural Quadrant, does not appear on any modern star charts. Elijah H. Burritt included it in his 1835 edition of Geography of the Heavens. The stars that make up this extinct constellation lie within the boundaries of Draco and Hercules. Credit: Michael E. Bakich Library When I use my astronomy software or

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