September 19, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

Could we witness the first man-made meteor shower?

Three Perseid meteors fall on Mount Etna. A study suggests that NASA's DART mission, which hit an asteroid, could create a meteor shower, called Dimorphic. Credit: Gianni Tumino In 2034, humans could witness the first artificial meteor shower triggered by activity in space. That's according to a new simulation led by Eloy Peña Asensio of

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Do meteor showers create meteorites?

Back to list of articles Earth's atmosphere provides a safety buffer that protects us from (most) incoming space rocks. In this image taken during the 2001 Leonid meteor shower, several bright fireballs are seen shining across the sky. Credit: Tony Hallas As the Earth orbits the Sun, our planet regularly passes through the dust and

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How to watch the Perseids, the best meteor shower of 2024

With an abundance of meteors and pleasant summer temperatures, the Perseid meteor shower is one of the most celebrated of the year. The second most frequent meteor shower after the Geminids in December, this year the Perseid meteor shower takes center stage, thanks to the timing of the event. phases of the moon. This year,

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Enjoy a double meteor shower tonight

The Alpha Capricornid, Southern Delta Aquariid, and Perseid meteor showers have already begun, but like all meteor showers, they have been building up slowly. Now, their peaks are just around the corner. The Alpha Capricornids and Southern Delta Aquariids will peak at around the same time, tomorrow, July 31, while the Perseids will peak in

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