September 8, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Earth and Moon seen by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from 63 million kilometers away

As part of an engineering test, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft captured this image of the Earth and Moon using its NavCam1 imager on January 17 from a distance of 39.5 million miles (63.6 million kilometers). When the camera acquired the image, the spacecraft was moving away from home at a speed of 19,000 miles per hour

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Solar System

Spiral galaxy NGC 3344 | Earth Blog

Captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the galaxy NGC 3344 appears head-on, allowing astronomers a detailed view of its intricate and elegant structure. And Hubble's ability to observe objects at a wide range of different wavelengths reveals features that would otherwise remain invisible. Spiral galaxies are some of the most spectacular sights in the

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Solar System

Protoplanetary disk AS 209 | Earth Blog

Located in the young star-forming region of Ophiuchus, 410 light-years from the Sun, a fascinating protoplanetary disk called AS 209 is slowly being carved. This wonderful image was captured with the high-resolution ALMA telescope and reveals a curious pattern of rings and spaces in the dust surrounding a young star. Protoplanetary disks are dense, rotating

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Solar System

Hawaii seen from the International Space Station

Crews aboard the International Space Station angled the camera specifically to capture this panorama of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano (left image) with the long swirls of volcanic gases (top half of the image) floating westward from the volcano. Astronauts are trained to take oblique images of hard-to-see atmospheric haze by shooting obliquely to improve visibility. Gas

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Solar System

Dwarf galaxy IC 4710 | Earth Blog

Discovered in 1900 by astronomer DeLisle Stewart and photographed here by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, IC 4710 is an undeniably spectacular sight. The galaxy is a busy cloud of bright stars, with bright pockets (marking bursts of new star formation) scattered around its edges. IC 4710 is an irregular dwarf galaxy. As the name

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Solar System

Exoplanet WASP-39b | Earth Blog

An international team of scientists has used the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study the atmosphere of the hot exoplanet WASP-39b. By combining this new data with older data, they created the most comprehensive study yet of an exoplanet’s atmosphere. The atmospheric composition of WASP-39b suggests that exoplanet formation processes may be very different from

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