September 8, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Science And Technology

What is an alloy?

Alloys They are made by adding another element to a metal. Creating alloys allows scientists to combine the properties of different metals. If a heavy, strong metal is mixed with a light, weak metal in the right amounts, the result is a light, strong metal.

For example, pure iron is very malleable (its shape can be changed). Adding coal It makes iron stronger, as the smaller carbon atoms interfere with the layers of pure iron atoms, preventing them from sliding over each other as easily. An alloy of carbon and iron is called steel.

What is an alloy?

A alloy It is a mixture of two or more elements, where at least one element is a metal.

Examples of alloys

Bronze It is an alloy of copper and tin.

Brass It is an alloy of copper and zinc

Steel It is an alloy of Iron and carbon.

Stainless steel – contains iron, chromium and sometimes nickel. The addition of chromium prevents rust, which is why cutlery is often made of stainless steel.

Alloys of gold They are used to make jewelry. Pure gold is very soft, so metals such as zinc, platinum, silver and titanium are added to make it stronger. 24-carat gold is pure gold, but jewelry made from 24-carat gold is easily marked and scratched, so it is not usually recommended for everyday wear.

A fun way to learn about alloys is to design a new one! Students can use this activity to think about the properties of different metals and how they can combine them to create a new alloy. superalloy!

The image shows copper pipes, bronze jugs and stainless steel pans.

Last updated on September 29, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

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