July 8, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Destruction of Deimos in the television series “The Expanse”

Deimos is the smaller and outermost of the two natural satellites of Mars, the other being Phobos. Deimos, Probably an asteroid captured by Mars' gravity., is highly non-spherical with a mean diameter of 12.5 km (about 57% the size of Phobos) and orbits 23,460 km from Mars (Deimos' orbit is slowly getting larger and is expected to eventually escape the gravity of Mars). The escape velocity from the surface of Deimos is only 5.6 m/s, so a human can basically jump off it.

In the universe of the extension Television series (a science fiction political drama set in the mid-24th century, when humans colonized the entire solar system) Deimos is home to military installations and a deep radar station for Martian Congress Republic – one of the three rival powers in the extensionWith United Nations (Earth-based) and the Belt.

Concept art of Deimos in the extension by Canadian designer Lee Fitzgerald:
Concept art of Lee Fitzgerald's Deimos for 'The Expanse' TV series

At the beginning of season 2 of the extension Deimos is destroyed with nuclear missiles in a “moon-for-moon” retaliation attack by the United Nations (Earth) after the Martian assault cruiser destroyed Earth's research base on Saturn's moon Phoebe along with the subsequent destruction of the moon itself. The destruction of Deimos killed 17 Martians and the moon disintegrated forming the “Deimos Ring” around Mars.

concept art of Martian deep radar station on Deimos before Lee Fitzgerald's missile attack:

Concept art of the surface of Deimos before the missile attack by Lee Fitzgerald for the television series 'The Expanse'

News coverage of the destruction of Deimos:

Destruction of Deimos in the television series 'The Expanse'

Amos' offensive “solution” for the Martian flag after the destruction of Deimos:

Amos's Martian flag after the destruction of Deimos in the television series 'The Expanse'

Size comparison of Phobos, Deimos and Nauvoo generational spaceship the extension:

Size comparison of the Phobos, Deimos and Nauvoo generation spaceships from the TV series 'The Expanse'

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