July 27, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

How China's Chang'e 6 mission captured the first samples from the far side of the Moon

Back to list of articles The robotic mission marks a historic first for China and could help unravel the mysteries of the Moon's formation. The Chang'e 6 lander sits on the Moon in this image taken by the Jinchan mini-rover. Credit: CNSA On June 25, 2024, China’s Chang’e 6 mission came to an end when

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NASA cancels launch of fully built lunar rover, stunning scientists

The VIPER, equipped with headlights, would have been the first robotic lunar rover capable of operating at night. Credit: NASA To the surprise of the lunar scientific community, on July 17, NASA… cancelled the long-awaited VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover) mission, which was expected to search for water ice on the Moon, a critical

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JWST directly captures a surprising super-Jupiter planet

JWST obtained direct images of the gas giant planet Epsilon Indi Ab by blocking the light from its host star (located where the white star symbol is located). Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, STScI, E. Matthews (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) A case of cosmic mistaken identity has led astronomers to find a new exoplanet where

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A practical guide to summer viewing

Late summer is an ideal time to take a visual journey through our Milky Way. Credit: Stuart Atkinson Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is a frustrating time for many amateur astronomers. The nights never get dark enough to easily see the faint, fuzzy galaxies and nebulas they enjoy gazing at through their telescopes, and there

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What we know and what we don't know about dark energy

Massive galaxy clusters, like the one shown in this Hubble Space Telescope image, can help astronomers test theories about dark matter and dark energy. Credit: ESA/Hubble and NASA, RELICS Our universe is shrouded in mystery, as approximately 70 percent of it is composed of dark energy. The exact nature of dark energy remains a mystery

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Bird of many names | Astronomy Magazine

Bird of many names | Astronomy Magazine FAKE product bird of many names https://www.astronomy.com/imagen-del-día/photo/bird-of-many-names/ Bird of many names | Astronomy Magazine Katelyn Beecroft of London, Ontario, Canada M17 in Sagittarius is popularly known as the Swan Nebula or Omega Nebula, although it is also known as the Checkmark Nebula and the Horseshoe Nebula. The resemblance

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A stroke of luck revealed a surprise inside a Martian rock

Back to list of articles Curiosity crossed the Gediz Vallis canal and passed over a rock that opened and revealed crystals of pure yellow sulfur. The sulfur crystals, as observed on May 30, are elemental sulfur, or pure sulfur. Curiosity determined what the crystals were made of. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS NASA's Curiosity rover made an unexpected

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The mysteries behind the gegenschein

The Gegenschein rests on the tip of the fainter, pyramid-shaped false zodiacal light. Credit: Stephen James O'Meara In April 1961, Galaxy The magazine contained an article titled “The Enigma Called Gegenschein” by German-American science writer Willy Ley. Referring to the mystery of who was the first to identify the faint glow of the Gegenschein, Ley

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Cosmic sky of red and blue – Astronomy Now

Image: ESO/VPHAS+ Team. The patches of colour illustrate the clear difference between the two most abundant types of bright nebulae in our Milky Way galaxy. This image, taken by the OmegaCAM wide-field camera on the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope Survey in Chile, is dominated by the wine-red hue of an emission nebula called

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The oceans of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, probably have small waves

Back to list of articles Archival Cassini data reveal ripples in bodies of liquid ethane and methane. Composite image of Titan taken by the Cassini spacecraft. Credit: NASA. An international team of planetary scientists studied archival data from the Cassini spacecraft, designed to study Saturn and its satellites, which yielded new clues about three strange

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