July 4, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Humanity – TPS – Spanish

From: AA Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 214

In the Sign of Pisces, which rules the Third Planetary Center, Humanity, In alignment with the energies of the Third Ray of Creative Intelligence and the Fourth Ray of Harmony through the conflict released today by the heliocentric conjunction of Saturn and Mercury, we sow the vision that esoteric teaching presents for the Fourth human kingdom of Earth, the non-sacred Planet of the Third Ray.

As already done for the other two Planetary centersShamballa and the Hierarchy, here is the document on


Here are some excerpts:

“The third Center is that of the Human Kingdomwhich is created by means of the energy of the third Ray of Active Intelligence. Its primary function is intelligent creation; but it has, however, a secondary activity which consists in relating the second and third Centers to each other and in assuming progressive control of the subhuman kingdoms and relating them to each other. This secondary function is only now assuming proportions which can be recognized and noticed.

…According to esoteric indications, the birth of the Human Kingdomcalled individualizationIt was caused by an agreement between celestial and spiritual influences that resulted in a fusion between the 5He Kingdom (of Souls) and the 3Third Animal Kingdom)…

In the past history of the race, a great event occurred which brought into manifestation the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom. We now find ourselves on the verge of a similar but even more momentous event: the appearance of the fifth kingdom, as a result of the planned activity of the human kingdom. New group of world serversworking in collaboration with the Hierarchy of perfected souls and under the guidance of Christ Himself. This will mark the beginning of the New Age in which the existence of five kingdoms of nature side by side on Earth will be recognized.

…The manifestation of the New Age on Earth and the consequent emergence of the fifth kingdom of souls is a task which calls for the united and concerted efforts of all who are dedicated to the achievement of this goal. It also calls for the cooperative efforts of that more advanced portion of humanity which is sensitive to these new influences, which can grasp the far-reaching nature and potentialities of this momentous event, and which is therefore prepared to participate, to the extent of its ability, in responding to the need of this crucial moment and in the service which the Great Beings are seeking to render. This cooperative effort of the more receptive portion of humanity is, in reality, what humanity needs. Hierarchy is trying to produce among the sons of men.

This spirit of good will is present in millions of people and evokes a sense of responsibility. It is the first indication in the human race that man is divine.

The New Group of World Servers relies upon this ever-growing good will which it intends to utilize. It is found in the membership of every group that exists for the betterment of the world and constitutes an untapped power that has never been organized into a whole, like the loyalty and effort of the individual man of good will which has hitherto been given to his organization or effort. It is not the intention of the New Group of World Servers to interfere with this loyalty or to stop any activity, but to bring all such people together into an organized whole, without creating a new organization or diverting any of them from the work they have already undertaken.

The New Group of World Servers is now an active and functioning group. Every man and woman in every country in both hemispheres who works to heal the gaps between people, to evoke the sense of brotherhood, to foster the sense of mutual interrelatedness, and who sees no racial, national, or religious barriers, is a member of the New Group of World Servers, even if he has never heard of it in those terms.

The members of the New Group of World Servers do not belong to any party or religion, and yet they belong to all parties and religions; they do not take any attitude or position for or against any existing government, religion, or social order. They do not engage in any political activity of any kind, and they do not attack any existing order. They are neither for nor against any government or church, and they do not spend any money, organize any campaign, and send out any literature that could be construed as attacking or defending any organization of a political, religious, social, or economic nature. They do not say or write any word that would fuel the fire of hatred or tend to separate men or nations. However, these members will be found in all political parties and in all religions of the world. They represent a mental attitude.

…However, it is encouraging for us to note that the New Group of World Servers is working in connection with the emerging group plan The number of the Greats has increased considerably over the last few years and there is a much closer internal unity than before. The group will be divided into two parts:

  1. An inner core, composed of those active servers who know themselves to be disciples, is in conscious contact with the Plan and works hard on its development.
  2. Those who have responded to the vision as it has been presented to them by that inner core and have aligned themselves definitively on the side of the Plan are, therefore, men and women of good will.

“In connection with these two groups there is a constantly growing public which is becoming more and more receptive to new ideas. They have expressed interest and are anxious to see the Plan materialized in proper form on Earth. The various needs of all these groups must be met and this is the defining problem of all who are working in conscious collaboration with the Hierarchy.”

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