July 6, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

MDA Space reaches agreement with Unifor locals 112 and 673

The Unifor Local 112 and 673 strike at the MDA Space location in Brampton has ended after striking workers ratified a new agreement.

Both uniform and MDA Space issued a press release yesterday announcing the agreement. He strike at the Brampton location started on April 8, 2024.

In its press release, MDA Space stated that salary increases for the first year would be 2.5%, 3.5% for the second year and 3.0% for the third year. They added: “Based on the expiration date of the previous agreement, beginning in October 2023, and the retroactive installments agreed to by the company, the effective salary increases for year 1 are 3.67%.”

Additionally, MDA Space said: “The Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) will roll over to Year 1 wages at $0.80 per hour and will reset to $0.00 beginning in October 2023. For the duration of the agreement, Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) payments will be adjusted quarterly, up to a maximum of $0.80 per hour.”

Unifor said in its press release that “Over the life of the agreement, workers will receive a total minimum wage increase of 9% plus cost of living allowance (COLA) payments adjusted quarterly, up to a maximum of $0.80 per hour . During the conflict, the union successfully fought employers' proposals to eliminate COLA. Upon ratification, workers will receive a minimum 7% wage increase and the existing COLA of $0.80 per hour will be rolled into existing wages. Workers will receive retroactive pay for all hours worked between October 2023 and May 2024, totaling at least 3.2%, including $0.34 per hour in COLA payments. The employer will also increase contributions to the employee's defined benefit pension plan retroactive to August 5, 2020 by $3.”

“In addition, Unifor members gained a new paid holiday for the first Monday in August and will receive two paid personal emergency days. Job classifications were also expanded to provide new career growth and training opportunities for workers, and new work was secured for the bargaining unit to operate the facility's test equipment. Language for skilled trades was also improved to provide seniority protection and pay increases to apprentices as they progress through the program, and a guaranteed pay bonus for machinists who complete their certification.”

Unifor Local 673 President Maryellen McIlmoyle said, “Our members love what they do and are eager to get back to work. “I am incredibly proud of everyone who stood firm, rain or shine, to secure a fair deal, including a long-awaited pension contribution increase which was a key element in resolving this dispute.”

There are 45 members of Unifor Local 112 and 673 at the MDA Space facility in Brampton.

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