July 4, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

Microsoft launches AI-powered Copilot+ PC – Computerworld

What's in it for companies?

According to industry experts, Copilot+ could be very relevant for companies, as it provides powerful tools for productivity, creativity and communication.

“My view is that they will be much more beneficial to companies than to individuals,” said Faisal Kawoosa, chief analyst and founder of Techarc. “This is because companies will have tons of data to truly unleash the power of AI. Also, in enterprises, nowadays a user works with a complex labyrinth of applications, which is sometimes a task for users to even remember them and then connect them, make them talk to each other, etc. That's where AI through copilot+ will take care of everything. such complexities.”

As Microsoft and its partners expand Copilot+ to enterprise PCs, AI models running in the background will not only increase productivity in core Microsoft Office applications, Azure AI, and Dynamics CRM, but also in third-party solutions. partners such as Adobe, Cognizant and IBM. , ServiceNow, Amdocs, Dell, Siemens and more, Shah added.

“CoPilot+ PCs will demonstrate how enterprise-level AI models can adapt and optimize specific workflows, providing employees with a smarter assistant powered by CoPilot+. Powered by internal company data, CoPilot+ acts as an assistant, enabling tasks such as file search, email digests, smart scheduling, meeting note management, follow-ups, and efficient cross-collaboration between employees across multiple projects and locations,” he said. Shah. .

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