July 3, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

You can see something in the void. Explore the 'holy grail' of astronomy

Return to article list Find the few galaxies floating in a cosmic ocean of nothingness. Four “bright” members of the Boötes Void are around magnitude 15. Each field measures 5' on a side. Credit: digital sky studio I don't normally write much about deep, “holy grail” objects, but in the case of the Boötes Void

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Could Psyche be the core of the planetesimal that crashed into Earth and formed the Moon?

Return to article list Psyche has a nearly circular orbit in the asteroid belt, so it is unlikely to have come close to Earth. The metallic asteroid Psyche, shown in this artist's concept, may be the exposed iron-nickel core, or a fragment of one, of a larger object in the early stages of the solar

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How can the visible universe have a radius of 46 billion light years when the universe is only 13.8 billion years old?

Return to article list The expansion of the universe explains how it can be much larger than 13.8 billion light years. How can the visible universe have a radius of 46 billion light years when the universe is only 13.8 billion years old? And how can we detect light from 46 billion light years away

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How can the visible universe have a radius of 46 billion light years when the universe is only 13.8 billion years old?

Return to article list The expansion of the universe explains how it can be much larger than 13.8 billion light years. How can the visible universe have a radius of 46 billion light years when the universe is only 13.8 billion years old? And how can we detect light from 46 billion light years away

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Explore the sky with the Celestron autoguider

Celestron's next-generation StarSense Autoguider (SSAG) can be mounted on many brands of telescopes. A compatibility list is available on the Celestron website. Credit: Celestron Maybe you've always wanted to try astroimaging, but were intimidated by the technical aspects, the equipment requirements, the level of experience needed… you know, the work. The hardware requirements alone can

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Mystery of the pyramidal mountain of the unnamed Moon solved

Return to article list This unnamed lunar feature has had many names, including Mons Undset after the 1928 Nobel Prize winner Sigrid Undset. An Apollo 15 image of Lambert Crater with Mons Undset to the west (right, where we added a circle) casting a pyramidal shadow. Mons Undset is named after the novelist Sigrid Undset.

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