July 1, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

When to see the Full Moon and its phases

The full moon, photographed in July 2016 from Melbourne, Florida. Credit: Michael Seeley/Flickr. The phenomenon of a full moon occurs when our planet, Earth, is sandwiched between the Sun and the Moon. This alignment ensures that the entire side of the Moon facing us shines in the sunlight. Thanks to the Moon's orbit around the

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You can see something in the void. Explore the 'holy grail' of astronomy

Return to article list Find the few galaxies floating in a cosmic ocean of nothingness. Four “bright” members of the Boötes Void are around magnitude 15. Each field measures 5' on a side. Credit: digital sky studio I don't normally write much about deep, “holy grail” objects, but in the case of the Boötes Void

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The first space station to orbit the Moon

Back to list of articles This first-of-its-kind structure will play a crucial role in NASA's Artemis missions and act as a stopover for future deep space missions. A rendering of the Gateway Space Station with the Orion spacecraft docked. Credit: NASA NASA has just released a new 3D animation showing the exterior of the next

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NASA selects SpaceX to launch ISS into orbit in 2030

Return to article list The contract is valued at 843 million dollars. The International Space Station, as photographed by Expedition 56 crew members. Credit: NASA/Roscosmos NASA announced this week that it has selected SpaceX will design a vehicle deorbit the International Space Station (ISS) when its mission ends in 2030. “Selecting a U.S. deorbit vehicle

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Gemini North celebrates its 25th anniversary with a glorious photograph of NGC 4449

Back to list of articles The starburst galaxy is packed with newborn stars fueled by its collision with at least two other galaxies. NGC 4449 as seen by the Gemini North telescope. The red regions indicate where there is ionized hydrogen in the galaxy, a sign of star formation. Credit: Gemini International Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA On June

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What's in this latest hole NASA drilled on Mars?

Return to article list The Curiosity rover continues to conduct experiments, drilling more than 40 holes in Mars to help us better understand the Red Planet. The drill aboard the Curiosity rover created the hole in a rock that researchers call Mammoth Lakes. The bright spot to the left of the hole is where the

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JWST captures ultra-detailed image of jets aligned in the Serpens Nebula

Return to article list The infrared telescope revealed a cluster of protostellar flows in the star-forming region, shedding new light on star formation. JWST found a cluster of aligned protostar outflows, visible at top left, in the Serpens Nebula. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, K. Pontoppidan (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and J. Green (Space Telescope Science

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Fly through the Pillars of Creation with NASA's stunning new video

Return to article list The animation is the result of collaboration between two of NASA's most powerful space telescopes: the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. The Pillars of Creation as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: Greg Bacon, Ralf Crawford, Joseph DePasquale, Leah Hustak,

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How the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will study space and time

The Vera C. Rubin Observatory at dawn. Credit: Vera C. Rubin Observatory/NOIRLab/AURA/NSF/J. Sources When the Vera C. Rubin Observatory comes online, perhaps at full capacity in 2025, this powerful and unique survey telescope, at high altitude in Chile, will study the skies in a new and unprecedented way. Originally called the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope,

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Scientists identify self-healing material that can power and protect spacecraft

A diagram of a perovskite solar cell. Credit: Ahmad Kirmani using Blender. The space environment is harsh and full of extreme radiation. Scientists who design spacecraft and satellites need materials that can withstand these conditions. in a article published in January 2024, my team of materials researchers showed that a next generation semiconductor material called

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