June 29, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

America's first black astronaut candidate finally flew. Now is the time to do more

Ed Dwight thought he would be an astronaut six decades ago, when President John F. Kennedy's administration, in its campaign to reach the Moon, realized that the impact of the United States reaching our closest celestial neighbor would be greatly magnified. if the crew included a person of color. “Why don't we take the first

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Inside Out 2 ruins one of Inside Out's best jokes, and it was necessary

The moment Pixar revealed the first new characters in Inside out 2, fans of the animation studio began arguing about the film's basic conceit. 2015 Inside out centered on five characters who represent the basic emotions of an 11-year-old girl named Riley: joy, sadness, fear, disgust and anger. In the sequel, Riley reaches puberty when

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