June 21, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

This week, out of the world: another private space mission to the ISS, Japan lands robots on the Moon (with a snag), and much more…

 This is where you can donate to help Ukrainian refugees and war victims. 

…and here is (a) place where you can donate to help the children in Afghanistan, trapped under the Taliban regime.


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From the video store:

Japan lands a robotic probe on the Moon… although there may be a problem…

SpaceX launches a private Ax-3 astronaut mission to the space station | Space

Tianzhou-7 launch

Tianzhou-6 undocking

Geosynchronous orbits are STRANGE:

Satellite orbit level list:

Reading material:

Satellites observe how the Icelandic volcano spews lava towards a fishing village (photo) | Space

Plasma environment, radiation, structure and evolution of the Uranian system (PERSEUS): a proposal for a mission to Uranus | Rocket Science Reviews (springer.com)

9 out-of-this-world images of Earth taken by Landsat satellites (msn.com)

The moon once had much more water than we ever imagined, lunar meteorite reveals | Space

Space Development Agency awards $2.5 billion contracts for missile tracking satellites – SpaceNews

Reflectors in space could make solar energy more effective – Universe Today

Viasat shows the navigation capacity the UK lost after Brexit – SpaceNews

Water ice buried at Mars' equator is more than 2 miles thick | Space

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