July 27, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Old becomes new | The planetary society


Old data is generating new discoveries about Venusian volcanism. Analysis of radar data from NASA's Magellan orbiter has evidence found of new rock forming on the surface of Venus, probably from lava flows from two volcanoes, suggesting that these volcanoes erupted while the spacecraft orbited the planet in the 1990s. This adds to the evidence that Venus is more volcanically active today than previously believed. Pictured: A view of the surface of Venus based on radar data shows the Sif Mons volcano, which shows signs of continued activity. Image credit: NASA/JPL.


ESA's Solar Orbiter has traced the solar wind to its source. The spacecraft recently connected measurements of the solar wind around it with source regions seen in high-resolution images of the Sun's surface at close range. This allows scientists better understand the origins of the solar wind on the Sun, improving the ability to predict phenomena such as solar storms.


Meet the closest Earth-sized temperate planet ever discovered. Gliese 12 b is a planet similar in size to Earth, located just 40 light years away. Was discovered using the TESS space telescope and confirmed with follow-up observations from other space and ground observatories. Gliese 12 b is a great candidate for JWST follow-up observations, which could help determine whether Earth-like planets orbiting cool stars can retain their atmospheres.


The National Space Society mourns the passing of Anita Gale. Executive director of the National Space Society and long-time board member. Anita Gale transformed the organization over his 33 years of involvement, including opening a new headquarters at the Kennedy Space Center and securing a $1 million grant from Blue Origin's Club for the Future.

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