July 27, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Scratch the surface | The planetary society

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Are there other water worlds out there? Amaury Triaud, an astronomer at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, joins This week's Planetary Radio to discuss a new method to potentially detect liquid water on the surfaces of terrestrial exoplanets. Plus, you'll hear more about “The Lost Universe,” NASA's first tabletop role-playing game.

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Rocket science costs money. Here's why it's worth it. To study space, we have to employ scientists, build observatories and research facilities, and launch spacecraft, among other expensive things. But these investments pay off in many ways, from the inherent value of better understanding the natural universe we live in to more pragmatic benefits like economic growth. Learn more about why space science is worth investing in and how you can advocate for it.

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Have you thought about attending a Planetary Society event? Our Eclipse-O-Rama 2024 recap might be what convinces you to attend one in the future. Read about our amazing eclipse festivalincluding firsthand accounts from members who joined us in Texas to enjoy this wonder of nature.

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We go beyond the horizon. Will you join us? As a supporter of The Planetary Society, you know that every success in space exploration is the result of the community of space enthusiasts, like you, who believe it matters. That's why we're looking to you to help us raise vital funds to expand our core mission and strengthen the Society. Your donation of any amount today is an investment in the future and will help us usher in the next great era of space exploration.

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