July 27, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

Will this ‘hairpin’-shaped exoplanet become a hot Jupiter?

The exoplanet TIC 241249530 has an extremely elongated, cucumber-shaped orbit.making a sharp “hairpin turn” each time it approaches its star. The exoplanet also orbits its star in reverse.another rare phenomenon among observed transiting exoplanets. Scientists believe TIC 241249530 could be transforming into a hot Jupiteroffering information on planetary migration processes. Exoplanet with an extreme orbit

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Solar System

A closer look at a possible “eyeball planet” – Sky & Telescope

The temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b could be a completely ice-covered world (left) similar to Jupiter’s moon Europa, or it could be an icy world with a liquid substellar ocean and cloudy atmosphere (center). LHS 1140 b is 1.7 times the size of our planet Earth (right) and is the most promising habitable zone exoplanet

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JWST directly captures a surprising super-Jupiter planet

JWST obtained direct images of the gas giant planet Epsilon Indi Ab by blocking the light from its host star (located where the white star symbol is located). Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, STScI, E. Matthews (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) A case of cosmic mistaken identity has led astronomers to find a new exoplanet where

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Astronomers capture a planet transforming into a hot Jupiter

Back to list of articles Exactly how planets end up so close to their stars remains unknown, but this world's strange orbit may hold clues. This artist's impression shows a Jupiter-like exoplanet that is on its way to becoming a hot Jupiter—a large, Jupiter-like exoplanet that orbits very close to its star. Credit: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/J. da

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A giant, stinky exoplanet smells like rotten eggs

Artist's conception of HD 189733 b. A new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University has found that the gigantic, stinky exoplanet smells like rotten eggs. Image via Roberto Molar Candanosa/ Johns Hopkins University. Gas giant exoplanet HD 189733 b smells like rotten eggsAstronomers say the pungent odor is due to hydrogen sulfide gas present

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Greenhouse gases could indicate extraterrestrial life, if we ever find it

Back to list of articles A new study suggests that one way to detect extraterrestrial life is to look for signs of terraforming, a hypothetical method of making a planet habitable. The TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet system. The exoplanets are Earth-sized and terrestrial. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech In a new study published in The astrophysical journal, Astronomers are proposing

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Solar System

Six sub-Neptunes discovered 100 light years away: sky and telescope

The six planets of the HD110067 system together create a fascinating geometric pattern due to their chain of resonance.© CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 / Thibaut Roger / NCCR Planets Astronomers have discovered six sub-Neptune exoplanets dancing in unison around the same distant star, solving a major mystery in the process. The ancient, pristine system opens a

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The real-life Star Trek exoplanet doesn't exist

View larger. | Artist's concept of what the HD 26965 b – o is Vulcan – might have seemed, if it really existed. A new study shows that the possible exoplanet It's probably just an astronomical illusion. Image via POT/ JPL-Caltech. HD 26965 b, also nicknamed Vulcan after the famous planet in Star TrekIt was

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Solar System

Astronomers discover a new Earth-sized world just 40 light years away – Sky & Telescope

Artist's illustration of a rocky planet with a reasonable atmosphere orbiting a red dwarf star.NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (Caltech-IPAC) In searching for planets around other stars, astronomers often look for worlds that most closely resemble our own. The discovery of Gliese 12b, the closest transiting, temperate, Earth-sized planet found to date, promises possibilities

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New exoplanet catalog reveals 126 exotic worlds

The new NASA exoplanet The catalog contains 126 newly discovered worlds of a wide variety. It will help astronomers learn more about how exoplanets form and evolve. The catalog will also help them compare exoplanets with planets in our own solar system. Image via WM Keck Observatory/ Adam Makarenko/ University of California, Riverside. A new

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