September 8, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Solar System

Astronomers discover a new Earth-sized world just 40 light years away – Sky & Telescope

Artist's illustration of a rocky planet with a reasonable atmosphere orbiting a red dwarf star.NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (Caltech-IPAC) In searching for planets around other stars, astronomers often look for worlds that most closely resemble our own. The discovery of Gliese 12b, the closest transiting, temperate, Earth-sized planet found to date, promises possibilities

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New exoplanet catalog reveals 126 exotic worlds

The new NASA exoplanet The catalog contains 126 newly discovered worlds of a wide variety. It will help astronomers learn more about how exoplanets form and evolve. The catalog will also help them compare exoplanets with planets in our own solar system. Image via WM Keck Observatory/ Adam Makarenko/ University of California, Riverside. A new

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Solar System

Unexplained Auroras Found in Lone Brown Dwarf – Sky and Telescope

The ethereal glow of the northern lights, a highly sought-after sight on Earth, has now been found on a giant world many times the mass of Jupiter, astronomers announced at this week's meeting of the American Astronomical Society in New Orleans. This artist's concept depicts the brown dwarf W1935, which is located 47 light years

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Solar System

Hubble reveals a possible world of water vapor: sky and telescopes

GJ 9827d, depicted in this artist's concept as the blue world at the top, is a candidate “water world” 100 light years from Earth. It is close enough to its star that the “water” in this case is vapor rather than oceans.NASA/ Hubblesite/ ESA/ Leah Hustak (STScI)/ Ralf Crawford (STScI) New Hubble Space Telescope observations

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Solar System

JWST photographs possible giant planets around white dwarfs: sky and telescope

Illustration of a cloudy exoplanet and debris disk orbiting a white dwarf star. NASA/JPL-Caltech JWST has directly imaged what appear to be two giant exoplanets orbiting white dwarf stars. This discovery has important implications for the fate of our solar system's giant planets as the Sun evolves into a red giant and eventually becomes a

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Astronomers reopen the mystery of a planet that should not exist – Cielo y Telescopios

An illustration of an exoplanet engulfed by its home star. Planet 8 Ursae Minoris b has somehow escaped this fate. Gemini International Observatory / NOIRLab / NSF / AURA / M. Garlick / M. Zamani; CC BY 4.0 New research may have reignited the mystery of 8 Ursae Minoris b, a seemingly doomed exoplanet that

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Exoplanet discovered in the habitable zone of a multistellar system

Return to article list This Neptune-like world orbits a Sun-like star in a binary system, where conditions are right for liquid water to remain on its surface. Artist's illustration of the exoplanet TOI 4633 c and its binary star system. Credit: Ed Bell for the Simons Foundation A team of professional and citizen scientists has

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Solar System

Candidate planet could be incandescent with lava flows: sky and telescope

Artistic illustration of a lava world. ESO / L. Calçada An international team of astronomers has just found signs of an extreme exoplanet that, if it exists, is packed with so many active volcanoes that its temperature rivals that of some stars. TOI-6713.01 appears to be about the size of Earth, only 30% larger than

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