July 2, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA
Science And Technology

Mars: the red planet of the solar system

Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, has long captured humanity's imagination as a potentially habitable world and a target for exploration. Mars, often called the “Red Planet” because of its rusty hue, boasts a wide range of surface features and contains valuable clues about the history and potential of life beyond Earth. Immerse yourself in the mysteries and allure of Mars in this comprehensive guide.


• Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is located at an average distance of about 227.9 million kilometers (141.6 million miles).

• Its reddish appearance is due to the iron oxide or rust that covers much of its surface, hence its nickname “Red Planet.”


• Mars, like Earth and the other planets in our Solar System, formed about 4.6 billion years ago from the solar nebula, a cloud of gas and dust left over from the formation of the Sun.

Physical characteristics

• Mars has a diameter of about 6,779 kilometers (4,212 miles), making it about half the size of Earth.

• Its mass is about 10.7% of Earth's and its gravity is about 37.6% of Earth's, resulting in a weaker gravitational pull on its surface.

Atmosphere and climate

• Mars has a thin atmosphere composed primarily of carbon dioxide (about 95.3%), nitrogen (2.7%), argon (1.6%), and traces of oxygen and water vapor.

• Surface temperatures on Mars vary widely, from as low as -195 degrees Fahrenheit (-125 degrees Celsius) at the poles to as high as around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) near the equator during the summer months.

Rocks on Mars
Rocks on Mars

Surface characteristics

• Mars is famous for its diverse surface features, including vast plains, towering volcanoes, deep valleys, and polar ice caps.

• Prominent features of the planet include Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System, and Valles Marineris, a canyon system stretching 4,000 kilometers (2,500 miles).

geological activity

• While Mars lacks the tectonic activity seen on Earth, evidence suggests that it was once volcanically active and may still experience occasional volcanic eruptions.

• Recent discoveries, such as recurring slope lines (dark streaks on Martian slopes), suggest the presence of liquid water beneath the surface, suggesting possible subsurface geological activity.

Rotation and orbit

• Mars rotates on its axis at a rate similar to that of Earth, with a day lasting approximately 24.6 hours.

• Its orbit around the Sun lasts about 687 Earth days, resulting in Martian years that are almost twice as long as Earth years.

Mars: the red planet
Mars: the red planet

Facts about Mars

Size0.53 Lands
Diameter6,779 kilometers
Mass6.417 × 10^23 kg (0.107 Earths)
Aphelion1,666 Astronomical Units (AU)
perihelion1,381 AU
Gravity0.376 times Earth's gravity
Orbital period687 Earth days
Rotational period24.6 Earth hours
Surface temperature−195 to 70°F (−125 to 20°C)
Composition of the atmosphere95.3% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, traces of oxygen and water vapor
Surface characteristicsVolcanoes, canyons, impact craters, polar caps
geological activityPast volcanic activity, groundwater potential
Magnetic fieldweak magnetic field
moons2 (Phobos and Deimos)
Mars Fact Sheet

Learn more: Mercury: the smallest planet in the solar system – Scientific notes

Venus: the hottest planet in the solar system – Scientific notes


• Mars has been the target of numerous space missions, including NASA's Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity and Perseverance rovers, as well as orbiters such as MAVEN and the European Space Agency's Mars Express. These missions have provided invaluable data on Mars' atmosphere, geology, and potential for past or present life.

• Future exploration efforts aim to delve deeper into the mysteries of Mars, including searching for signs of past life, understanding its geology, and preparing for future human exploration.

Mars continues to captivate scientists and enthusiasts for its potential to host life and its striking resemblance to Earth in many ways.

• Continued exploration of Mars promises to unlock more knowledge about the planet's past, present and future, paving the way for potential human settlement and expanding our understanding of the Solar System.

Comparison between Earth and Mars

SizeApproximately 12,742 km in diameterSmaller, about 6,779 km in diameter.
Distance from the sunApproximately 149.6 million kilometersAverage distance of about 227.9 million kilometers.
AtmosphereMainly nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%)Thin atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide (about 95.3%) with nitrogen and traces of other gases.
Surface temperatureAverage surface temperature around 14°C (57°F)Variable temperatures ranging from -195 to 70°F (-125 to 20°C)
Surface characteristicsVarious, including oceans, mountains and continents.Volcanoes, canyons, impact craters, polar caps
moonsA natural satellite, the MoonTwo small moons, Phobos and Deimos.
Magnetic fieldStrong magnetic fieldweak magnetic field
Rotation and orbitIt rotates once every 24 hours, orbiting the Sun once every 365.25 days.It rotates once every 24.6 hours, orbiting the Sun once every 687 Earth days.
Comparison between Earth and Mars

Mars FAQ

Q: What is Mars?

A: Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in our Solar System and is named after the Roman god of war.

Q: How far is Mars from the Sun?

A: Mars orbits, on average, about 227.9 million kilometers (141.6 million miles) from the Sun.

Q: How does the size of Mars compare to Earth?

A: Mars is smaller than Earth, with a diameter of about 6,779 kilometers (4,212 miles).

Q: What is a day on Mars like?

A: A day on Mars, defined as one rotation on its axis, lasts approximately 24.6 Earth hours, similar to a day on Earth.

Q: What is the atmosphere of Mars made of?

A: Mars' thin atmosphere is composed primarily of carbon dioxide (about 95.3%), with traces of nitrogen and other gases.

Q: What is the surface temperature of Mars?

A: Mars experiences variable temperatures, ranging from minus 195 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 125 degrees Celsius) to approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius).

Q: Does Mars have moons?

A: Yes, Mars has two small moons called Phobos and Deimos.

Q: Why is Mars called the Red Planet?

A: Mars is often called the Red Planet because of the iron oxide that covers much of its surface and gives it a reddish hue.

Mercury: the smallest planet in the solar system – Scientific notes

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