July 2, 2024
1 Solar System Way, Planet Earth, USA

Within two years, 90% of organizations will suffer from a critical shortage of technology skills – Computerworld

According to Forrester Research's 2023 Generative AI Job Impact Forecast, the technology will impact 4.5 times more jobs than it replaces. Technology will also account for almost 30% of jobs lost to automation by 2030.

“We predict that generative AI will replace 90,000 jobs in 2023 and grow to 2.4 million in 2030,” the study says. While 2.4 million jobs replaced by genAI sounds high, Forrester notes that automation and AI in general will replace just 4.9% of US jobs by 2030. And job losses in the coming two years will remain modest until questions arise about intellectual property rights, copyright issues and plagiarism. , model update rates, model bias, ethics and model response reliability are resolved, the research firm said.

He latest report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the impact of genAI reads like a tale of “the best of times, the worst of times.” The study found that up to 60% of jobs will be exposed to the effects of AI. About half of the jobs affected by AI and genAI could benefit from increased productivity. However, for the other 50%, genAI tools could be used to perform tasks now performed by humans, which could reduce labor demand, lead to lower wages, and reduce hiring.

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