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LinkedIn relies on AI to carry out job search work

The zeitgeist in today's technology is all about artificial intelligence, so in an effort to drive more users and usage, LinkedIn on Thursday unveiled a series of new AI-powered services.

The company is betting big on AI and people's appetite to see it integrated into experiences on the platform, and it's bringing tools that can do everything from helping people search and then apply for jobs (yes, there are a tool to write the entire application and cover letter for you), to finding relevant learning material (about AI, naturally) and searching all of LinkedIn to find what you need faster.

Below we'll go over some of the biggest features LinkedIn is rolling out, but first let's take a moment to note a couple of key things about LinkedIn's focus on AI right now:

First, as we've noted before, this isn't LinkedIn's first rodeo with AI. The company has been incorporating technology into its products since its inception, and one could argue that there is very little that AI does. No playing in the company.

“We've been building with AI since 2007,” its head of product, Tomer Cohen, said in an interview with TechCrunch this week. In fact, the company's connection suggestions, which often feel very strange in what they emerge, are an example of how that has played out. “We use it a lot to connect people…for advocacy and how we maintain trust in the ecosystem. It is one of our most powerful tools.”

The big change LinkedIn doesn't want to miss is the one that has swept the rest of the tech world: the wave of AI-powered tools aimed at helping everyday people perform human-centered tasks.

LinkedIn has already been active in that regard. Released a set of tools powered by OpenAI in October 2023adding reading and writing tools one month afteras well as tools to help with Writing profiles, recruitment advertisements. and company pages.

Second, LinkedIn has relatively lower expectations to meet than some of its peers. Large social actors like Meta or X have found themselves facing different degrees of existential crises due to the explosion of interest in generative AI. How will they respond to it? How will they drive it? Should they? Perhaps more directly, how do they ensure that the new doesn't exclude their businesses from the next stage of growth?

Image credits: LinkedIn

LinkedIn, of course, is part of Microsoft, which has a 49% stake in OpenAI, along with its own substantial efforts in AI. Effectively, this takes the pressure off of innovating or investing in LinkedIn innovators, leaving you to focus on how you can build or integrate tools for your own uses.

Below is a summary of some of the new features:

Job searches and job applications.: We're getting a new way to search for jobs using chat messages. Of course, it still depends on the data and the work actually existing. For example, finding journalism jobs in London that pay a salary of at least £100,000 may not be very profitable, no matter how many ways you put it.

Once you've found a job and want to apply, you can now generate a cover letter or cover letter, and the AI ​​will also give you a more detailed review of your resume and other work you're doing.

Personalization of learning. LinkedIn remains bullish on its video-based learning platform and appears to have found a strong traction among users who need to upskill their AI skills. Cohen said traffic for AI-related courses, which include modules on technical and non-technical skills such as basic introductions to generative AI, has increased 160% over last year.

You can be sure that LinkedIn is boosting its search algorithms to take advantage of interest, but it's also boosting its content with AI in another way.

For Premium subscribers, is piloting what it describes as “expert advice, powered by AI.” Take advantage of the experience of recognized instructors such as Alicia Rece, Anil Gupta, Dr Gemma Leigh Roberts and Lisa GatesLinkedIn says its AI-powered coaches will provide personalized responses to users, as a “starting point.”

These, in turn, will also appear as personalized trainers that a user can take advantage of while watching a LinkedIn Learning course.

The third big area where LinkedIn relies heavily on AI is search. If you already use LinkedIn in any way, you'll know that this has been necessary for a long time, as search has been one of the most neglected parts of the platform experience, especially as the platform has grown.

LinkedIn says it will provide more details on the new search experience in the coming weeks, but expect to see much more conversational search as a simpler alternative or replacement to its current search experience, which uses keywords, network distance, geography and other parameters, but it never seems to be giving you the full answer.

On top of all this, LinkedIn is expanding the availability of Recruiter 2024, adding more tools for marketers, and introducing improved premium business pages for small businesses.

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